It's a doozy to cast this, though. First we need to make a two-part silicone rubber mold for both the top and bottom of the egg, and engineer the two parts so they sit together well in order to make a sturdy, symmetrical mold for each part. Then, we'll pour hot wax in each mold to give us a model of the top and the base in wax. Then a plaster mold is poured around each wax part with a reservoir attached to each for glass. The wax needs to be melted out of the mold once it has set. Finally, the molds are fired (for several days!), and then each mold is broken carefully apart to remove the glass egg piece. It's tough, because each plaster mold can only be used once!
We'll make wood and metal bases for these glass eggs. If we can get this system working, they'll be beautiful!