We love making an erotic box to donate to the Octopus Club's Art Erotica event each year. We started thinking about this box immediately after we made last year's. So without further ado, please look below the "read more" break to see this year's box, which is graphic. If you're going to clutch your pearls and cluck over nasty bits, go somewhere else.
![]() Here is our cast glass bird and egg box, of a lavender pink glass, with a top of the same color with glass hands clasping an egg. The birds and egg are 22 kgoldleafed, and the branches are copperleafed. It's sitting in a curly maple base. Because people keep asking us: the top is ALL ONE cast piece. No glue. Below, two new pieces just out of the kiln: an emerald-colored snake box which took DAYS to make. DAYS. Each snake was hand-made in wax, attached to a wax box, and all the scale and head detail was done by hand using a toothpick. Then the wax piece was cast in plaster, the wax was melted out (hence lost wax), and it was filled with glass and fired (for 3 days), which is how we do all our cast glass pieces. Just in case anyone wonders why we attach a high price tag to them. Also below, a new glass piece (also out of the kiln today): a sitting girl in amber-gold glass. This will sit on top of a wooden box. Didn't she turn out lovely? I was sure she wouldn't fire correctly in the kiln... but then, oh, she did. And she took forever to make, too. We're off to Midland for the season's first art fair! Tom and I are in sore need of total strangers telling us how wonderful we are (we love all you friends and family telling us, but you don't count). Below: a picture of how hard I work: my bleeding thumb on my dirty, plaster-covered hand from removing razor sharp glass from molds, holding a toothpick for delicately picking plaster off the cast glass golden girl. This is seriously what my hands look like all the time from working with glass: cuts, cuts, and more cuts. If you buy something from us, chances are it has some of my or Tom's blood in it. And also, a picture of the box we are giving (yes, giving) to the Museum of the Southwest for its fundraising event: an etched glass hummingbird painted and 22K goldleafed in the etch over a woodburned and painted maple base. The box is made of walnut and is hinged. You can buy it at the museum's auction on Friday (Sept 5). I remember cutting myself on this one, too. See you in Midland!
We're donating a box to a fundraising benefit for The Octopus Club benefiting the Paul Kirby Foundation, which provides emergency financial support for HIV/AIDS patients in Central Texas. It's an Art Erotica art auction on April 5th in Austin. The art at auction there will all be of a titillating nature, and 100% of the proceeds go to the foundation. It's a great cause, and a great reason to buy a naughty piece of art, so go to the event. We made this one specially for it- we've always wanted a reason to make a sexy box. Below the "read more" break (which for some bizarre reason doesn't work on Facebook) are pictures of our contribution (if you're going to be offended by sexy bits, don't look).
AuthorTom Beach and Amanda Walker Archives
September 2015